
How to use CSV in GJ Bulk Price Editor

The most powerful tool, though a bit cumbersome at first glance.

Recently we introduced a new feature in GJ Bulk Price Editor to apply your price rules to products using CSV. Today we are gonna take a look at and check out some examples what is possible to achieve, how to do it and how to check it beforehand.

Here, as always, we assume you are familiar with the interface and that you know how to create a new task.

Prerequisites: Pro Advanced Plan is needed.

CSV, intro

The CSV functionality can be found in "Select products to edit" block:

CSV view

There are two possible options to do next since everything else is set up:

  1. Click "Create CSV from products" if you don't have your products' CSV already from some other source.
  2. You already have a CSV file of your products, with any fields names.

So the CSV might look as follows (from preview):

CSV file

It is an example of a file generated by our app from loaded products. In the case of your own CSV fields names might differ. You may have "name" instead of "title" for example, but anyway it can be justified. If you went by first route and generated a file, all mappings (which field is for what) will be done automatically, you just edit prices in the file and add it.

Importing and mapping CSV file

To import your CSV file that you got at the previous step just drag & drop it into the "Add file" field or click it and select. No rocket science. It will be parsed immediately and you will see the following picture:

CSV file

Here in the first row with "product_id" and "Product Id" you choose to use the CSV's field named product_id to be used as a field to match your products with the records in the CSV file. Product Id has a format like "gid://shopify/Product/7507708777712" and originally it is a format used by Shopify and it is an id that Shopify uses for referencing products.

Alternatively you can reference products by their titles. For this, please select the columns name that refers to the title in the csv file, for example title, and select "Product Title" in second field:

CSV file

Make sure you are using the exact names, otherwise it would be quite tricky to match products between the CSV file and the products in your shop.

If everything's right at this step you will be able to see a not empty list of products in the "Matched products" block. I need to emphasize that the products in this block are the products which reflect the CSV file — if you don't want some product to be updated, please remove it from CSV OR click "X" sign in the right-top corner of the product cell in the list. If you don't see a product, most probably it's not in the CSV file, or it has the wrong id or title, (depending on whether you use have chosen "Product Id" or "Title" in the "as" field).

Choosing price and/or compare-at-price to modify

In this step we are selecting the price and/or compare-at-price as base to our next action (apply price rules or launch the task right away).

Let's say, you selected price field in CSV as Price and compare_at_price field as compare-at-price.

CSV file

In this scenario the matched products will be updated to have this exact price and compare-at-price as specified in the CSV file, for example:

CSV file CSV file

But it's not the end!

You can use other price rules on top of it. Let's say "adjust by X%", so the next price will be the price from CSV file plus X%.

Again, all planned changes you can evaluate by products in the "Matched products" block as in the last screenshot.

Happy updating!

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